Building Communities

Lumax-DK jain Group has aligned its Corporate Social Initiatives with the United Nations - Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They serve as a guide in our efforts to create a better and equal world. Lumax Charitable Foundation, the CSR arm of Lumax, has been facilitating social initiatives based on SGDs of ‘Good Health’ and ‘Quality Education’. The vision of the foundation focusses on transforming the lives of children, youth and the elderly to have a better future and eternal hope. The mission prioritises - Education, Life skills, and Health in communities around the plant locations to promote an inclusive development and empowered lives.

Power of Education

Education is the harbinger of light and empowers by providing growth opportunities in life.

Most of the students in the schools are from the marginalised segment of the society, many are first generation learners from rural India and therefore, education opens a world of opportunities for them as well as empowers them to make a difference.

LCF initiated the student2scholar project – Usha ki Kiran in Haryana, Maharashtra and Gujarat and about 175 students have benefitted from the scholarships from various Government and Private scholarship schemes.

The Company’s endeavour is to provide holistic education in the schools we operate. The effort is to provide life skills training to the students to equip them with the ability to take decisions, solve problems, hone interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, set and achieve goals, as also learn to manage stress. The programme is currently ongoing in 10 senior secondary schools in Haryana in online and onsite mode.

During lockdown, the Company ensured that the students did not miss their beyond school learning and there was continuity in the programme. The offline Life Skills sessions were shifted to online platform, reaching over 400 students in primary Schools. The students gained strength in STEM (Science, Technology, English and Maths).

To ensure smooth learning environment, infrastructure is of prime importance, ‘Roshan Vidyalaya’ programme, helped us provide well-lit classrooms having installed LED light fixtures in 16 schools in Haryana and 2 schools in Pantnagar, Uttarakhand.

Career Counselling Programme was successfully conducted online and onsite for students of 16 Government schools in Haryana, 9 in Pune and 2 schools in Sanand. Through this programme, students are made aware of the various career options available basis their subjects, their aptitude and interests and application processes, opening the world of opportunities for them.

This multi-pronged approach helped us to reach out to 4,500 students and paved the way for their better future.

Special attention has been paid to encourage girl child to enrol in schools. Every year doors of education open for 200 girls that are integrated in formal education system.

Health Care

Cancer camps have been organised through our implementing partner in Haryana. Complete examination by doctors, blood profiling and radiology including mammography are conducted onsite for the communities as part of preventive screening. The Foundation has supported the treatment of diagnosed patients in its endeavour towards Cancer Mukt Dilli.

In continuation with our endeavour to provide vision for the elderly, we continued with the preventive eye care screening and 654 number of Cataract surgeries.

COVID-19 Relief

The Company distributed free ration during lockdown in the vicinity of its plants and also in coordination with local administration to the marginalised. The timely intervention supported over 6,000 people.

Ventilators and medical equipment were also donated to hospitals to help them serve the increasing number of COVID-19 positive cases.